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The checkpoint configuration is the entry point for the restonomer framework. The restonomer framework expects you to provide checkpoint configurations to the restonomer context instance in order to trigger a checkpoint.

The checkpoint configuration contains below config options to be provided by the user:

Config NameMandatoryDefault ValueDescription
nameYes-Unique name for your checkpoint
tokenNo-Token request configuration represented by TokenConfig class
dataYes-Main data request configuration represented by DataConfig class
sparkConfigsNo-Map of spark configurations specific to the checkpoint.
If the same config is also present in application.conf file, then checkpoint specific config gets the priority.

User can provide checkpoint configuration file in HOCON format in the below format:

name = "sample_postman_checkpoint"

token = {
token-request = {
url = "http://localhost:8080/token-response-body"

authentication = {
type = "BearerAuthentication"
bearer-token = "test_token_123"

token-response-placeholder = "ResponseBody"

data = {
data-request = {
url = ""

authentication = {
type = "BasicAuthentication"
user-name = "postman"
password = "token[$.secret]"

data-response = {
body = {
type = "Text"
text-format = {
type = "JSONTextFormat"

persistence = {
type = "LocalFileSystem"
file-format = {
type = "ParquetFileFormat"
file-path = "./rest-output/"