Restonomer has been designed with a clear focus on solving the various data retrieval issues while fetching huge datasets from REST APIs that include:
implementing an API-specific custom authentication mechanism
implementing a solution for over-fetching and under-fetching of data
implementing an API-specific pagination mechanism to retrieve complete data
implementing an efficient auto retry mechanism in case of request failure
implementing a fault-tolerant and highly performant solution that is scalable
implementing an optimised solution that works in a concurrent and distributed fashion
Restonomer also provides users with a toolkit for transformation and persistance of the data that include:
dealing with a variety of response data types (String / Bytes / Zipped)
dealing with a variety of response data formats (JSON / CSV / XML)
transforming the datasets into the required structure
persisting the huge datasets to a specific storage system
Restonomer, at a high level, aims at providing users with a fault-tolerant and scalable solution to retrieve huge datasets from REST APIs, transform the datasets, and persist the datasets in a concurrent and distributed fashion.