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When user wants to use GCSBucket service from GCP for persistence, he can use GCSBucket persistence feature from restonomer.

The GCSBucket persistence needs below arguments from the user:

Input ArgumentsMandatoryDefault ValueDescription
service-account-cred-fileYes-The filepath of the GCP service account credentials
bucket-nameYes-The name of the Gcs bucket where the dataframe files need to be stored
file-formatYes-The format (json/csv/parquet) of the files to be persisted for the response dataframe
file-pathYes-The path of the directory where output files will be persisted
save-modeNoErrorIfExistsThis is used to specify the expected behavior of saving a DataFrame to a data source.
Expected values are (append, overwrite, errorifexists, ignore)

User can configure the S3Bucket persistence in the below manner:

persistence = {
type = "GCSBucket"
service-account-cred-file = "/user/secret/creds/gcs-cred.json"
bucket-name = "test-bucket"
file-format = "JSON"
file-path = "test-output-dir"

Now, in order to make this work, user needs to provide a correct service account credentials file.