Change Column Case
It lets the user change the case of the column names.
This transformation expects user to provide below inputs:
Input Arguments | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
target-case-type | Yes | - | Supported case types (lower,upper,snake,kebab,camel,pascal) |
source-case-type | No | lower | Supported case types (snake,kebab,camel,pascal) |
Below is a quick helper chart to understand commonly used case types and their general usage
Input Arguments | Example | Usage |
Camel | myVariableName | Used for variables, methods, and parameter names |
Pascal | MyClassName | Used for class names and type names |
Snake | my_variable_name | Used for variable names in some scripting languages |
Kebab | my-variable-name | Used for configurations, file names, URLs, and command-line arguments |
For example, consider we have below restonomer response in json:
"col_a": "1",
"COL_B": "2"
Now, as we know all these columns are in snake-case, suppose the requirement is to transform case of all columns to camel case.
Then, user can configure the ChangeColumnCase
transformation in the below manner:
type = "ChangeColumnCase"
target-case-type = "camel"
source-case-type = "snake"
The transformed response will now have the columns with the desired case type:
"colA": "1",
"colB": "2"
Remember that, for converting the case to "lower" or "upper" user need not give source-case-type as it will not matter for the conversion. However, for any other target case type user needs to provide an appropriate source-case-type. Otherwise, Restonomer will error out.